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Queen of Advice on Quora gets traction!

Sir BUDDY:  My sidekick and assistant  In a meandering mood, without any particular destination in mind, online, of course.  Definitely, with some great mood selections from my really cool playlists [ I say myself attesting to the many hours I categorized my iTunes music library in a mood setting and that means both from where I physically am to where I am continually striving for better moods. When one is struggling with depression, it means that they are likely grasping for safety nets of positive inspiration or motivation.  Giving back.  Giving what one knows or has sharing honest advice based on one's own unique perspective in whatever that may represent:  as a person (wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, outlaw or in-law I may be.   Buddy avoided a younger dog-sibling by the masterful decree by HH that I could NOT adopt a dog I've discovered a new identity emerging from the wisp and whoosh of inspiration that glimmers across one's screen.  May

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